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Newbie Adult Chamber Orchestra (NACHO)

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Please Subscribe to our NACHO Information Form

Subscription form

* Mandatory fields
*First name
*Last name
*Chosen Instrument(s)
Please indicate which of the following instrument(s) you would like to play: violin, viola, cello, bass, bassoon, trumpet, trombone, French horn, clarinet, flute, oboe, saxophone, tuba, percussion (snare, cymbals, bass drum, timpani, etc), harp.
Metro Vancouver Region
Whereabouts in the Metro Vancouver region do you live?
Info Source
How did you learn about NACHO?
Do you have experience on any of these instruments, if yes, which ones and number of years of study?
Other Experience
Do you have any other music experience, if yes, what?
It is not mandatory to attend weekly meetings, but members of NACHO are encouraged to attend as often as possible. Are you planning to attend:
Other Information
Is there anything else you would like to include about your interest and participation in NACHO?
Contact Music Director
Do you have any questions or concerns? The Music Director will contact you.
*Add to Mailing List
I agree to have my email address included on the NACHO mailing list. If at any time I wish to be removed from the NACHO mailing list I will send an unsubscribe request to

Vancouver, B.C., Canada

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